December at One.

We still cannot believe that we are closing in on to the end of this calendar year. It feels like a year that has both dragged on forever and flown by. How can this be? Because for all of us, every aspect of our lives has been disrupted and changed dramatically during the course of 2020, all routines were thrown out the window. Routine is the enemy of time savored, when we lose it, time actually seems to stand still. Remember those childhood vacations that seemed to drag on forever, precisely because we were out of our routines. As adults, we typically follow very usual patterns and as a result, time speeds up. So in a way, a benefit of the 2020 shakeup was making it seemingly both the fastest and longest year ever.
As we move toward a holiday season that will look very different for many of us, we wanted our final newsletter to reflect that. Our holiday photo this year is a lighthearted attempt to put together what we all feel like. Living during a pandemic is not for the faint of heart , we felt like we could all benefit from a less serious moment, and frankly we are all a little stir crazy, hence the campy photo ;). We hope you enjoy our attempt to poke a little fun at a very serious situation.
This month’s newsletter is filled with helpful tips and information designed to keep you healthy over the winter months. We want you all to stay well and to continue to be with us for the long haul. Thank you for helping us to keep the lights on since March, we literally would not still be here without ALL of your support during this emotionally and financially challenging year.
On this black Friday, instead of lining the pockets of Amazon, consider shopping online locally to support so many of our Annapolis businesses that have been hit hard by the pandemic. Click here to shop local-90 local stores online And don’t forget to mention to your loved ones that all you want for the holidays this year is the gift of health;) (gift certificates are available for request to purchase at )
All of us at One. want to wish you a very blessed, healthy, and peaceful holiday season, whatever that might be for you this year.
Yours in Wellness,
Jennifer and Christina