July at One. Welcome Back!

One. is happy to announce that with the latest easing of restrictions from our local government, we are now able to begin bringing clients in to our clinic to exercise again! Although things will look and feel different (masks required for ALL clients during sessions, health screens upon entry, contactless forms, time for cleaning between clients), we are confident that we can continue to serve you in a safe and effective manner.
While this is not the typical July newsletter we would usually have put out, wishing you all a happy Independence Day, we hope that you all spend some time outdoors with safe social distancing and enjoy well deserved moments with family and friends in whatever way you feel safe to do that during our continued pandemic.
Read on as we have included a number of helpful articles about exercising with masks, risks with different activities, and other important information on where we are in the Covid crisis. We hope you will take the time to read on about all the changes we have implemented at One. for your safety, as well as all the ways that you can continue to stay healthy, body and mind, during these constantly evolving times.
Yours in Wellness,
Jennifer and Christina