Livestream classes continue with Power Stretch and Stand UP class with Sue Clements

In November, Sue Clements is continuing to offer Virtual live streaming Power Stretch and Stand Up classes at One. via Zoom to keep you safe and healthy during the Pandemic.
Mondays at 7:30 AM -Power Stretch is mostly that, stretching. It’s not Yoga, it’s not Pilates, it’s not strength training or cardio. Sue guides students through a short warm-up and a series of stretches covering the entire body. There are also a few exercises that will strengthen the core muscles. Any equipment that you have is helpful, but not necessary. The tools mostly used are the foam roller, a thera-band, a strap and a yoga block.
Thursdays at 4:30 PM-Stand UP. This class is designed to counteract all the effects of prolonged sitting and to prevent back and neck pain. This class is ideal for teleworkers and those who have been less active during the pandemic. Helpful tools for this class include a foam roller, strap, and exercise ball. It includes strengthening the postural muscles and stretching the tightened/shortened anterior muscles in the body
If you would like to join the class, simply click here to reserve your spot.