Virtual Power Stretch class with Sue Clements

As we make our way through new territory in our world (and yes, this is an old picture of what class used to look like), We hope we all are taking care to fit in some mindful activity. We need to continue to take care of our mind and bodies during these especially stressful times.
Each Monday at 7:30 AM, Sue Clements is offering a live Virtual Stretch class at One. via Zoom.
Power Stretch is mostly that, stretching. It’s not Yoga, it’s not Pilates, it’s not strength training or cardio. Sue guides students through a short warm-up and a series of stretches covering the entire body. There are also a few exercises that will strengthen the core muscles. Any equipment that you have is helpful, but not necessary. The tools mostly used are the foam roller, a thera-band, a strap and a yoga block.
The group that Sue has led over the last 15 months has made incredible progress in overall flexibility, core strength, spinal range of motion, as well as balance and agility.
Please consider joining. If this is something that you really need, you will know right away. The need for flexibility increases as we age. We stiffen and the muscles shorten. Therefore, when we stretch we become stronger, more stable and more agile. More able to live a fully active life.
If you would like to join the class, simply click here to reserve your spot.
Reserve your spot for Power Stretch
Please feel free to share this with any friends or family that may benefit, as many of you know, the virtual classes are our only revenue stream at this time.
Hope you will join us!