Welcome to September at One.

It is hard to believe that the summer is almost over and Labor Day is upon us. No matter what your happy place looks like, take a moment to put your feet up and enjoy the fruits of your labor, whatever that might be. We look forward to cooler weather and the fall season to get us back into healthy routines and work that may have been neglected as we all took a well needed break from being cooped up inside and all the anxiety and stress that has been with us in recent months.
We hope that you continue to stay safe and healthy (mentally and physically) One. is here to help you with all that you may need to make that happen.
We hope you will take the time to read our little newsletter that includes all the latest health information available, safe activities to enjoy in Annapolis, and how to continue to stay well during these constantly evolving times.
Hope to see you this Friday at the SOFO Drive In Movie and Swap Meet (great for unloading all those items you have been sorting through in recent months).
Read on for details!
Yours in Wellness,
Jennifer and Christina